Crags Community School

Nexus Multi Academy Trust 

About Us

“Nexus Multi Academy Trust is a truly forward thinking Trust. Nexus was formed in 2016 and has formulated a mission statement, clearly stated its values and has a succinct vision with a limited number of key priorities.

Its outcomes are known as the “Big 5″. They are clearly measurable and all focus on pupils being prepared for life beyond school. They are underpinned by a clear central direction, with systems and plans already in place for the schools development. the trust has horizon scanned with honesty and realism and is working with a range of partnerships to meet the needs of local children who are amongst the more vulnerable in our communities.

The trust demonstrates openness to learning from others by exploring how other similar MAT’s are developing”

National Governance Association " Outstanding Governance " Awards 2017


Nexus Multi Academy Trust was founded in 2016 and has the highest ambitions possible for anyone and everyone we work with.

The vision for Nexus is that we are constantly “Learning together; to be the best we can be.”

This vision is what we aspire for and is as relatable to every employee and partner of our Trust as it is to our children, young adults and their families.

Mission Statement

  • Our learners and their families are at the centre of what we do; empowered to learn and achieve; valued within our and their communities as visible, resilient, active and responsible citizens.
  • Our employees and partners are passionate about being the best that they can be; providing opportunities for enriched learning and pathways to employment and independence.
  • Our Trust is relentlessly focused on improvement; it values and celebrates success and builds partnerships to develop personalised provision with and for those we serve.

Core Values

Underpinning our vision and mission statement are our core values. These have been defined by our workforce and governors and resonate with the values that all partners of Nexus hold.

We believe it is really important and that we are, in all the things we plan and do: Inclusive; Child Centred; Family Focused; Caring; Passionate; Nurturing; Encouraging Enriching; Empowering.

We bring these high expectations to everything we do, and we are really excited to work with partners who share this ethos.

Our website holds key information about the Trust and has links to all our schools and settings. Please feel free to explore our web pages and learn more about us.

If you have any queries or questions please contact our Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Warren Carratt.